The most popular craft bloggers you need to be following
Dollar Store Crafts Screenshot

Having down time without a great project can leave you wandering aimlessly through blogs and social media sites searching for your next favorite project. Instead of wasting hours of precious crafting time, bookmark these popular craft blogs for an endless supply of ideas.

Group Project

These sleek blogs have a team of content creators who are pulling together more craft tutorials in one place than you could ever complete! Check out these popular blogs:

The Purl Bee

For the beginner who needs basic tutorials and the advanced yarn crafter who can knit, crochet, embroider and sew, this blog has it all. The patterns and ideas are chic and modern, pulled together by Purl SoHo, a yarn shop in New York, for your yarn crafting pleasure. A popular blog among needlecraft enthusiasts, this blog has so much to offer, with the added bonus of contact information for help when you really get stuck on a difficult step in the creation process.

Dollar Store Crafts

Thrifty crafters know that a true bargain comes with thinking outside of the box. While craft supplies can be pricy at the popular craft supply retailers, dollar and discount stores offer plenty of added value to the truly inspired crafter. Gather left over supplies, add a few dollar items, and voila! A whole new project. This is the basis for Dollar Store Crafts, a "contributor" blog that encourages followers to submit their own project tutorials for an ever growing list of next-project ideas.

A Subtle Revelry

If you like to show off your crafty skills, there is no better way to do it than crafting for a party. This awesome blog provides pictorials for everything from decorations to yummy and visually appealing recipes, plus home decorating ideas for between party crafting. Any time is a good time to party, especially when it gives you an excuse to make a chalkboard cake (and you can eat it). There is even an entire wedding section for those looking to have a beautiful wedding on a budget.

Make It… Personal

Blogs started out on the very personal level, with individuals writing about their personal life and interests for all who are interested to read. Check out these blogs, written by a single person who shares their creativity and personality for the love of crafting:

It All Started With Paint

This well designed blog is all about creating beauty in everyday life. From delicious recipes that will look beautiful on your table, to a quick remodel of your bathroom, Linda has you covered. There are plenty of seasonal craft ideas with well-staged pictures and easy to follow instructions. If you are as excited about the mason jar crafting craze as we are, you will love her fun ideas for every occasion.


For those who knit, crochet, and create on whim, Alice just celebrated her 8th year of blogging about her personal crafts, which means there is plenty to learn from. She takes you step by step through her own discoveries so that you can learn them too. While Alice is a serious crafter, her blogs are personal and conversational. While you learn new tricks and get inspired to create your own projects (or take part in Alice’s, like her postcard exchange), you also learn a lot about Alice and the kindhearted, fun person showing you how to one person enjoys life.

Happy Crafting!